2024-2025 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ..........................................................................
Ay Hafta Saat Ünite Konu Kazanım Açıklama Teknik Araç Ölçme Etkinlik
EYLÜL 09-13 Eylül 3 1- Hello! Greeting and meeting people Nice/Glad to meet you. Nice meeting you. —Me, too. —My pleasure. Expressing likes and dislikes What is/are your favorite class(es)? —My favorite class(es) is/are … —I like English and maths. I don’t like/dislike/hate… Making simple inquiries Where do you study? —I study at Atatürk Secondary School. How many languages do you speak? —One. I speak Chinese. —Two. I speak English and German arts primary/elementary/secondary school geography history language class/course math(s) music physical education science social studies Listening E5.1.L1. Students will be able to understand simple personal information. Speaking E5.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and meet other people. E5.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange simple personal information Reading E5.1.R1. Students will be able to read picture stories, conversations and cartoons about personal information. E5.1.R2. Students will be able to read their timetable for their lessons. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme 15 Temmuz Demokrasi ve Millî Birlik Günü
EYLÜL 16-20 Eylül 3 1- Hello! Greeting and meeting people Nice/Glad to meet you. Nice meeting you. —Me, too. —My pleasure. Expressing likes and dislikes What is/are your favorite class(es)? —My favorite class(es) is/are … —I like English and maths. I don’t like/dislike/hate… Making simple inquiries Where do you study? —I study at Atatürk Secondary School. How many languages do you speak? —One. I speak Chinese. —Two. I speak English and German arts primary/elementary/secondary school geography history language class/course math(s) music physical education science social studies Listening E5.1.L1. Students will be able to understand simple personal... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Gaziler Günü (19 Eylül), İlköğretim Haftası
EYLÜL 23-27 Eylül 3 1- Hello! Greeting and meeting people Nice/Glad to meet you. Nice meeting you. —Me, too. —My pleasure. Expressing likes and dislikes What is/are your favorite class(es)? —My favorite class(es) is/are … —I like English and maths. I don’t like/dislike/hate… Making simple inquiries Where do you study? —I study at Atatürk Secondary School. How many languages do you speak? —One. I speak Chinese. —Two. I speak English and German arts primary/elementary/secondary school geography history language class/course math(s) music physical education science social studies Listening E5.1.L1. Students will be able to understand simple personal... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EYLÜL 30 Eylül- 04 Ekim 3 2- My town Talking about locations of things and people Where are you? —I am at the library. —Library? —Yes, the library. Asking for and giving directions (Making simple inquiries) Excuse me, how can I get to the city center? —Go (straight) ahead and turn left on Uçarlı Street. —Thanks. Excuse me, where is the bus station? —It’s on Papatya Street. around/next to/opposite ... ...the barber shop ...the bank ...the library ...the mosque ...the butcher ...the grocery ...the pharmacy ...the bookshop ...the toyshop ...the bakery ...the pool ...the cinema/theater/museum between ......the shop and the bus stop Listening E5.2.L1. Students will be able to understand simple directions to get from one place to another. E5.2.L2. Students will be able to recognize the use of rising intonation to ask for clarification. Speaking E5.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about the locations of things and people in simple conversations. E5.2.S2. Students will be able to give directions in a simple way. Reading E5.2.R1. Students will be able to understand information about important places Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Hayvanları Koruma Günü (4 Ekim)
EKİM 07-11 Ekim 3 2- My town Talking about locations of things and people Where are you? —I am at the library. —Library? —Yes, the library. Asking for and giving directions (Making simple inquiries) Excuse me, how can I get to the city center? —Go (straight) ahead and turn left on Uçarlı Street. —Thanks. Excuse me, where is the bus station? —It’s on Papatya Street. around/next to/opposite ... ...the barber shop ...the bank ...the library ...the mosque ...the butcher ...the grocery ...the pharmacy ...the bookshop ...the toyshop ...the bakery ...the pool ...the cinema/theater/museum between ......the shop and the bus stop Listening E5.2.L1. Students will be able to understand simple directions... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 14-18 Ekim 3 2- My town Talking about locations of things and people Where are you? —I am at the library. —Library? —Yes, the library. Asking for and giving directions (Making simple inquiries) Excuse me, how can I get to the city center? —Go (straight) ahead and turn left on Uçarlı Street. —Thanks. Excuse me, where is the bus station? —It’s on Papatya Street. around/next to/opposite ... ...the barber shop ...the bank ...the library ...the mosque ...the butcher ...the grocery ...the pharmacy ...the bookshop ...the toyshop ...the bakery ...the pool ...the cinema/theater/museum between ......the shop and the bus stop Listening E5.2.L1. Students will be able to understand simple directions... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 21-25 Ekim 3 2- My town Talking about locations of things and people Where are you? —I am at the library. —Library? —Yes, the library. Asking for and giving directions (Making simple inquiries) Excuse me, how can I get to the city center? —Go (straight) ahead and turn left on Uçarlı Street. —Thanks. Excuse me, where is the bus station? —It’s on Papatya Street. around/next to/opposite ... ...the barber shop ...the bank ...the library ...the mosque ...the butcher ...the grocery ...the pharmacy ...the bookshop ...the toyshop ...the bakery ...the pool ...the cinema/theater/museum between ......the shop and the bus stop Listening E5.2.L1. Students will be able to understand simple directions... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 28 Ekim- 01 Kasım 3 3- Games and Hobbies Describing what people do regularly Do you play computer games? —No, I don’t. I go fishing. What are your hobbies? —Playing chess and tennis. Expressing ability and inability Can you play checkers? —No, but I can play chess. Can your sister/brother play chess? —Yes, s/he can. —No, but s/he can play checkers. Expressing likes and dislikes Yin lives in Beijing and he likes playing blind man’s buff. Julio lives in Madrid and he likes playing football. Hans and Yuka don’t like hopscotch. blind man’s buff camping checkers Chinese whispers dodge ball fishing hangman hiking hopscotch lose origami sculpting win Listening E5.3.L1. Students will be able to understand simple, oral texts about hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities. Speaking E5.3.S1. Students will be able to talk about hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities in a simple way. E5.3.S2. Students will be able to give information about likes/dislikes, abilities and hobbies of others in a simple way. Reading E5.3.R1. Students will be able to follow a simple story with visual aids. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı
KASIM 04-08 Kasım 3 3- Games and Hobbies Describing what people do regularly Do you play computer games? —No, I don’t. I go fishing. What are your hobbies? —Playing chess and tennis. Expressing ability and inability Can you play checkers? —No, but I can play chess. Can your sister/brother play chess? —Yes, s/he can. —No, but s/he can play checkers. Expressing likes and dislikes Yin lives in Beijing and he likes playing blind man’s buff. Julio lives in Madrid and he likes playing football. Hans and Yuka don’t like hopscotch. blind man’s buff camping checkers Chinese whispers dodge ball fishing hangman hiking hopscotch lose origami sculpting win Listening E5.3.L1. Students will be able to understand simple, oral... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Atatürk Haftası
KASIM 11-15 Kasım 3 ARA TATİL (11-15 KASIM)
KASIM 18-22 Kasım 3 3- Games and Hobbies Describing what people do regularly Do you play computer games? —No, I don’t. I go fishing. What are your hobbies? —Playing chess and tennis. Expressing ability and inability Can you play checkers? —No, but I can play chess. Can your sister/brother play chess? —Yes, s/he can. —No, but s/he can play checkers. Expressing likes and dislikes Yin lives in Beijing and he likes playing blind man’s buff. Julio lives in Madrid and he likes playing football. Hans and Yuka don’t like hopscotch. blind man’s buff camping checkers Chinese whispers dodge ball fishing hangman hiking hopscotch lose origami sculpting win Listening E5.3.L1. Students will be able to understand simple, oral texts about hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities. Speaking E5.3.S1. Students will be able to talk about hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities in a simple way. E5.3.S2. Students will be able to give information about likes/dislikes, abilities and hobbies of others in a simple way. Reading E5.3.R1. Students will be able to follow a simple story with visual aids. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
KASIM 25-29 Kasım 3 3- Games and Hobbies Describing what people do regularly Do you play computer games? —No, I don’t. I go fishing. What are your hobbies? —Playing chess and tennis. Expressing ability and inability Can you play checkers? —No, but I can play chess. Can your sister/brother play chess? —Yes, s/he can. —No, but s/he can play checkers. Expressing likes and dislikes Yin lives in Beijing and he likes playing blind man’s buff. Julio lives in Madrid and he likes playing football. Hans and Yuka don’t like hopscotch. blind man’s buff camping checkers Chinese whispers dodge ball fishing hangman hiking hopscotch lose origami sculpting win Listening E5.3.L1. Students will be able to understand simple, oral... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Öğretmenler Günü (24 Kasım)
ARALIK 02-06 Aralık 3 4- My Daily Routine Naming numbers Numbers from 1 to 100 Telling the time What time is it? —It’s half past nine. —It’s quarter to eleven. Describing what people do regularly (Making simple inquiries) What time does your little brother/sister go to bed? —S/he goes to bed at half past ten. What time do you arrive at school? —We arrive at school at quarter past eight. When do you brush your teeth? —I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. —When do you watch TV? —I watch TV every evening. arrive brush, -es call comb, -s get out of bed get up go online get on/off the bus leave talk toothbrush, -es toothpaste sleep Listening E5.4.L1. Students will be able to understand specific information in short, oral texts about daily routines. E5.4.L2. Students will be able to understand the time. Speaking E5.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about daily routines. E5.4.S2. Students will be able to use simple utterances to talk about daily routines of friends and family members. E5.4.S3. Students will be able to tell the time and numbers from 1 to 100. Reading E5.4.R1. Students will be able to understand short and simple written texts about daily routines. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Engelliler Günü (3 Aralık)
ARALIK 09-13 Aralık 3 4- My Daily Routine Naming numbers Numbers from 1 to 100 Telling the time What time is it? —It’s half past nine. —It’s quarter to eleven. Describing what people do regularly (Making simple inquiries) What time does your little brother/sister go to bed? —S/he goes to bed at half past ten. What time do you arrive at school? —We arrive at school at quarter past eight. When do you brush your teeth? —I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. —When do you watch TV? —I watch TV every evening. arrive brush, -es call comb, -s get out of bed get up go online get on/off the bus leave talk toothbrush, -es toothpaste sleep Listening E5.4.L1. Students will be able to understand specific information... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 16-20 Aralık 3 4- My Daily Routine Naming numbers Numbers from 1 to 100 Telling the time What time is it? —It’s half past nine. —It’s quarter to eleven. Describing what people do regularly (Making simple inquiries) What time does your little brother/sister go to bed? —S/he goes to bed at half past ten. What time do you arrive at school? —We arrive at school at quarter past eight. When do you brush your teeth? —I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. —When do you watch TV? —I watch TV every evening. arrive brush, -es call comb, -s get out of bed get up go online get on/off the bus leave talk toothbrush, -es toothpaste sleep Listening E5.4.L1. Students will be able to understand specific information... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 23-27 Aralık 3 4- My Daily Routine Naming numbers Numbers from 1 to 100 Telling the time What time is it? —It’s half past nine. —It’s quarter to eleven. Describing what people do regularly (Making simple inquiries) What time does your little brother/sister go to bed? —S/he goes to bed at half past ten. What time do you arrive at school? —We arrive at school at quarter past eight. When do you brush your teeth? —I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. —When do you watch TV? —I watch TV every evening. arrive brush, -es call comb, -s get out of bed get up go online get on/off the bus leave talk toothbrush, -es toothpaste sleep Listening E5.4.L1. Students will be able to understand specific information... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Mehmet Akif Ersoy’u Anma Haftası
ARALIK 30 Aralık- 03 Ocak 3 5- Health Expressing illnesses, needs and feelings I feel cold. I have the flu. I have a fever. I have a toothache/headache/stomachache. S/he feels cold and tired. S/he needs pills. Making simple suggestions —You should stay in bed. — Have a rest. —Stay in bed. —Visit a doctor. —Take your pills. backache/headache/toothache/ stomachache cold cough dentist faint fever flu have a pain/ache hurt ill/illness medicine pill sneeze sore throat syrup vitamin Listening E5.5.L1. Students will be able to identify common illnesses and understand some of the suggestions made. E5.5.L2. Students will be able to understand simple suggestions concerning illnesses. Speaking E5.5.S1. Students will be able to name the common illnesses in a simple way. E5.5.S2. Students will be able to express basic needs and feelings about illnesses. Reading E5.5.R1. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about illnesses, needs and feelings. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 06-10 Ocak 3 5- Health Expressing illnesses, needs and feelings I feel cold. I have the flu. I have a fever. I have a toothache/headache/stomachache. S/he feels cold and tired. S/he needs pills. Making simple suggestions —You should stay in bed. — Have a rest. —Stay in bed. —Visit a doctor. —Take your pills. backache/headache/toothache/ stomachache cold cough dentist faint fever flu have a pain/ache hurt ill/illness medicine pill sneeze sore throat syrup vitamin Listening E5.5.L1. Students will be able to identify common illnesses... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 13-17 Ocak 3 5- Health Expressing illnesses, needs and feelings I feel cold. I have the flu. I have a fever. I have a toothache/headache/stomachache. S/he feels cold and tired. S/he needs pills. Making simple suggestions —You should stay in bed. — Have a rest. —Stay in bed. —Visit a doctor. —Take your pills. backache/headache/toothache/ stomachache cold cough dentist faint fever flu have a pain/ache hurt ill/illness medicine pill sneeze sore throat syrup vitamin Listening E5.5.L1. Students will be able to identify common illnesses... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 03-07 Şubat 3 5- Health Expressing illnesses, needs and feelings I feel cold. I have the flu. I have a fever. I have a toothache/headache/stomachache. S/he feels cold and tired. S/he needs pills. Making simple suggestions —You should stay in bed. — Have a rest. —Stay in bed. —Visit a doctor. —Take your pills. backache/headache/toothache/ stomachache cold cough dentist faint fever flu have a pain/ache hurt ill/illness medicine pill sneeze sore throat syrup vitamin Listening E5.5.L1. Students will be able to identify common illnesses and understand some of the suggestions made. E5.5.L2. Students will be able to understand simple suggestions concerning illnesses. Speaking E5.5.S1. Students will be able to name the common illnesses in a simple way. E5.5.S2. Students will be able to express basic needs and feelings about illnesses. Reading E5.5.R1. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about illnesses, needs and feelings. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
ŞUBAT 10-14 Şubat 3 6- Movies Describing characters/people Superman is very strong/brave/... Expressing likes and dislikes I don’t like/dislike/hate horror movies. Making simple inquiries What is the movie about? It’s about friends/war/love/… Stating personal opinions I think Superman is brave. What’s your favorite film? —Ice Age. —I like Spirited Away. Telling the time What time is the movie? —It’s at seven o’clock. —It’s at half past four. brave beautiful boring exciting evil film types: action, animation, cartoon, commedy, horror, etc. friendly frightening funny helpful honest love save strong travel ugly Listening E5.6.L1. Students will be able to follow slow and carefully articulated speech describing movie characters and movie types. Speaking E5.6.S1. Students will be able to talk about people’s likes and dislikes concerning movies and movie characters. E5.6.S2. Students will be able to use simple utterances to state personal opinions about movies and movie characters. E5.6.S3. Students will be able to state the time of an event. Reading E5.6.R1. Students will be able to understand phrases and simple sentences on posters and advertisements about movies and movie characters. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 17-21 Şubat 3 6- Movies Describing characters/people Superman is very strong/brave/... Expressing likes and dislikes I don’t like/dislike/hate horror movies. Making simple inquiries What is the movie about? It’s about friends/war/love/… Stating personal opinions I think Superman is brave. What’s your favorite film? —Ice Age. —I like Spirited Away. Telling the time What time is the movie? —It’s at seven o’clock. —It’s at half past four. brave beautiful boring exciting evil film types: action, animation, cartoon, commedy, horror, etc. friendly frightening funny helpful honest love save strong travel ugly Listening E5.6.L1. Students will be able to follow slow and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 24-28 Şubat 3 6- Movies Describing characters/people Superman is very strong/brave/... Expressing likes and dislikes I don’t like/dislike/hate horror movies. Making simple inquiries What is the movie about? It’s about friends/war/love/… Stating personal opinions I think Superman is brave. What’s your favorite film? —Ice Age. —I like Spirited Away. Telling the time What time is the movie? —It’s at seven o’clock. —It’s at half past four. brave beautiful boring exciting evil film types: action, animation, cartoon, commedy, horror, etc. friendly frightening funny helpful honest love save strong travel ugly Listening E5.6.L1. Students will be able to follow slow and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 03-07 Mart 3 6- Movies Describing characters/people Superman is very strong/brave/... Expressing likes and dislikes I don’t like/dislike/hate horror movies. Making simple inquiries What is the movie about? It’s about friends/war/love/… Stating personal opinions I think Superman is brave. What’s your favorite film? —Ice Age. —I like Spirited Away. Telling the time What time is the movie? —It’s at seven o’clock. —It’s at half past four. brave beautiful boring exciting evil film types: action, animation, cartoon, commedy, horror, etc. friendly frightening funny helpful honest love save strong travel ugly Listening E5.6.L1. Students will be able to follow slow and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 10-14 Mart 3 7- Party Time Asking for permission Mom, can I have a birthday party? —Sure/For sure. Expressing and responding to thanks This is lovely, thanks./Thank you very much. —You’re (most) welcome. Greeting and meeting people —Welcome! —Nice to see you! —Nice to have you here! —OK, see you (later)! —Take (good) care! Expressing obligation I must go to the birthday party. You must prepare a shopping list. Telling the days and dates When’s your birthday? —My birthday is in May. —My birthday is on Saturday balloon, -s birthday, -s buy cake clown, -s have/throw a party candle, -s delicious exciting months of the year present, -s/gift, -s Listening E5.7.L1. Students will be able to understand simple requests for permission and their responses. Speaking E5.7.S1. Students will be able to ask for permission and give response in a simple way. E5.7.S2. Students will be able to use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions. E5.7.S3. Students will be able to use utterances to express obligation. E5.7.S4. Students will be able to state the date of an event. E5.7.S5. Students will be able to express and respond to thanks. Reading E5.7.R1. Students will be able to understand short texts with visual aids, such as cartoons, posters and birthday cards. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstiklâl Marşı'nın Kabulü be Mehmet Akif Ersoy'u Anma Günü (12 Mart)
MART 17-21 Mart 3 7- Party Time Asking for permission Mom, can I have a birthday party? —Sure/For sure. Expressing and responding to thanks This is lovely, thanks./Thank you very much. —You’re (most) welcome. Greeting and meeting people —Welcome! —Nice to see you! —Nice to have you here! —OK, see you (later)! —Take (good) care! Expressing obligation I must go to the birthday party. You must prepare a shopping list. Telling the days and dates When’s your birthday? —My birthday is in May. —My birthday is on Saturday balloon, -s birthday, -s buy cake clown, -s have/throw a party candle, -s delicious exciting months of the year present, -s/gift, -s Listening E5.7.L1. Students will be able to understand simple requests... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferi, Şehitler Günü
MART 24-28 Mart 3 7- Party Time Asking for permission Mom, can I have a birthday party? —Sure/For sure. Expressing and responding to thanks This is lovely, thanks./Thank you very much. —You’re (most) welcome. Greeting and meeting people —Welcome! —Nice to see you! —Nice to have you here! —OK, see you (later)! —Take (good) care! Expressing obligation I must go to the birthday party. You must prepare a shopping list. Telling the days and dates When’s your birthday? —My birthday is in May. —My birthday is on Saturday balloon, -s birthday, -s buy cake clown, -s have/throw a party candle, -s delicious exciting months of the year present, -s/gift, -s Listening E5.7.L1. Students will be able to understand simple requests... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Tiyatrolar Günü (27 Mart)
MART 31 Mart- 04 Nisan 3 8- Fitness Making simple inquiries Can you ride a bicycle? —Yes, I can. —No, I can’t, but s/he can. What is your favorite exercise? What are your favorite sports? Which exercise/sports do you like? —Cycling. —I like jogging. Asking for clarification Sorry, can/could you repeat that, please? Making/accepting/refusing simple suggestions Let’s go hiking! —OK/That sounds great./That’s a good idea. How about jogging? —Sorry. I can’t now. I must study. —No. I am too tired. —Well, sorry but I must… activity camping cycling (do) exercise fitness fishing hiking jogging running trekking work out Listening E5.8.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral texts about sports activities. E5.8.L2. Students will be able to understand suggestions made for a limited number of activities. Speaking E5.8.S1. Students will be able to make suggestions for a limited number of activities. E5.8.S2. Students will be able to accept or refuse suggestions in a simple way. E5.8.S3. Students will be able to give simple personal information. E5.8.S4. Students will be able to ask for clarification by asking the speaker to repeat what has been said. Reading E5.8.R1. Students will be able to understand simple texts about sports activities. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kütüphaneler Haftası, Dünya Otizm Farkındalık Günü (2 Nisan)
NİSAN 07-11 Nisan 3 ARA TATİL (31 MART - 4 NİSAN)
NİSAN 14-18 Nisan 3 8- Fitness Making simple inquiries Can you ride a bicycle? —Yes, I can. —No, I can’t, but s/he can. What is your favorite exercise? What are your favorite sports? Which exercise/sports do you like? —Cycling. —I like jogging. Asking for clarification Sorry, can/could you repeat that, please? Making/accepting/refusing simple suggestions Let’s go hiking! —OK/That sounds great./That’s a good idea. How about jogging? —Sorry. I can’t now. I must study. —No. I am too tired. —Well, sorry but I must… activity camping cycling (do) exercise fitness fishing hiking jogging running trekking work out Listening E5.8.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral texts about sports activities. E5.8.L2. Students will be able to understand suggestions made for a limited number of activities. Speaking E5.8.S1. Students will be able to make suggestions for a limited number of activities. E5.8.S2. Students will be able to accept or refuse suggestions in a simple way. E5.8.S3. Students will be able to give simple personal information. E5.8.S4. Students will be able to ask for clarification by asking the speaker to repeat what has been said. Reading E5.8.R1. Students will be able to understand simple texts about sports activities. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
NİSAN 21-25 Nisan 3 8- Fitness Making simple inquiries Can you ride a bicycle? —Yes, I can. —No, I can’t, but s/he can. What is your favorite exercise? What are your favorite sports? Which exercise/sports do you like? —Cycling. —I like jogging. Asking for clarification Sorry, can/could you repeat that, please? Making/accepting/refusing simple suggestions Let’s go hiking! —OK/That sounds great./That’s a good idea. How about jogging? —Sorry. I can’t now. I must study. —No. I am too tired. —Well, sorry but I must… activity camping cycling (do) exercise fitness fishing hiking jogging running trekking work out Listening E5.8.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı
NİSAN 28 Nisan- 02 Mayıs 3 8- Fitness Making simple inquiries Can you ride a bicycle? —Yes, I can. —No, I can’t, but s/he can. What is your favorite exercise? What are your favorite sports? Which exercise/sports do you like? —Cycling. —I like jogging. Asking for clarification Sorry, can/could you repeat that, please? Making/accepting/refusing simple suggestions Let’s go hiking! —OK/That sounds great./That’s a good idea. How about jogging? —Sorry. I can’t now. I must study. —No. I am too tired. —Well, sorry but I must… activity camping cycling (do) exercise fitness fishing hiking jogging running trekking work out Listening E5.8.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kût'ül Amâre Zaferi (29 Nisan), 1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü
MAYIS 05-09 Mayıs 3 9- The Animal Shelter Asking for permission (Making simple inquiries) Can we adopt/get an animal? Can I feed the birds? —Of course you can. —That’s not a good idea. —Not right now. Describing what people/animals are doing now What is/are ...doing? —The cat is climbing the tree. —The boy is feeding the birds. —The vet is examining the rabbit. —The puppies are playing. adopt/get an animal bark claw, -s examine feed help kitten, -s puppy, -ies save sleep tail, -s vet (veterinary) now/right now/at the moment Listening E5.9.L1. Students will be able to understand descriptions of what people/animals are doing at the moment. Speaking E5.9.S1. Students will be able to talk about what people/animals are doing at the moment. E5.9.S2. Students will be able to ask for permission. E5.9.S3. Students will be able to use simple utterances to describe what other people are doing at the moment. Reading E5.9.R1. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about what people/animals are doing at the moment. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 12-16 Mayıs 3 9- The Animal Shelter Asking for permission (Making simple inquiries) Can we adopt/get an animal? Can I feed the birds? —Of course you can. —That’s not a good idea. —Not right now. Describing what people/animals are doing now What is/are ...doing? —The cat is climbing the tree. —The boy is feeding the birds. —The vet is examining the rabbit. —The puppies are playing. adopt/get an animal bark claw, -s examine feed help kitten, -s puppy, -ies save sleep tail, -s vet (veterinary) now/right now/at the moment Listening E5.9.L1. Students will be able to understand descriptions of... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 19-23 Mayıs 3 9- The Animal Shelter Asking for permission (Making simple inquiries) Can we adopt/get an animal? Can I feed the birds? —Of course you can. —That’s not a good idea. —Not right now. Describing what people/animals are doing now What is/are ...doing? —The cat is climbing the tree. —The boy is feeding the birds. —The vet is examining the rabbit. —The puppies are playing. adopt/get an animal bark claw, -s examine feed help kitten, -s puppy, -ies save sleep tail, -s vet (veterinary) now/right now/at the moment Listening E5.9.L1. Students will be able to understand descriptions of... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı
MAYIS 26-30 Mayıs 3 10- Festivals Describing general events and repeated actions (Making simple inquiries) How does Ayşe celebrate Ramadan? —She visits her relatives. Children dance and sing on Children’s Day in Turkey. Chinese wear colorful clothes in Chinese New Year. Naming numbers numbers 100, 200, …, 1000 Children’s Day Chinese New Year Eid Ramadan Independence Day Listening E5.10.L1. Students will be able to understand simple texts about festivals around the world. Speaking E5.10.S1. Students will be able to describe the events in a festival in a simple way. Reading E5.10.R1. Students will be able to understand visually supported short texts about festivals around the world. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstanbul'un Fethi (29 Mayıs)
HAZİRAN 02-06 Haziran 3 10- Festivals Describing general events and repeated actions (Making simple inquiries) How does Ayşe celebrate Ramadan? —She visits her relatives. Children dance and sing on Children’s Day in Turkey. Chinese wear colorful clothes in Chinese New Year. Naming numbers numbers 100, 200, …, 1000 Children’s Day Chinese New Year Eid Ramadan Independence Day Listening E5.10.L1. Students will be able to understand simple texts... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
HAZİRAN 09-13 Haziran 3 10- Festivals Describing general events and repeated actions (Making simple inquiries) How does Ayşe celebrate Ramadan? —She visits her relatives. Children dance and sing on Children’s Day in Turkey. Chinese wear colorful clothes in Chinese New Year. Naming numbers numbers 100, 200, …, 1000 Children’s Day Chinese New Year Eid Ramadan Independence Day Listening E5.10.L1. Students will be able to understand simple texts... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...

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