2024-2025 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ..........................................................................
Ay Hafta Saat Ünite Konu Kazanım Açıklama Teknik Araç Ölçme Etkinlik
EYLÜL 09-13 Eylül 4 Unit 1: Appearance and Personality Functions & Useful Language Describing characters/people (Making simple inquiries) —What does your best friend look like? —S/he is beautiful/handsome, with curly hair and green eyes. —What is s/he like? —S/he is slimmer than me and s/he has short and dark hair. —My cousin is more outgoing than me, s/he has a lot of friends. Making simple comparisons (Giving explanations/reasons) S/he can play basketball well because s/he is taller than me. attractive beautiful cute easy-going generous handsome honest headscarf outgoing plump punctual selfish slim smart stubborn Listening E7.1.L1. Students will be able to understand clear, standard speech on appearances and personalities. Spoken Interaction E7.1.SI1. Students will be able to talk about other people’s appearances and personalities. Spoken Production E7.1.SP1. Students will be able to report on apperances and personalities of other people. Reading E7.1.R1. Students will be able to understand a simple text about appearances, personalities, and comparisons including explanations and reasons. Writing E7.1.W1. Students will be able to write simple pieces to compare people. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme 15 Temmuz Demokrasi ve Millî Birlik Günü
EYLÜL 16-20 Eylül 4 Unit 1: Appearance and Personality Functions & Useful Language Describing characters/people (Making simple inquiries) —What does your best friend look like? —S/he is beautiful/handsome, with curly hair and green eyes. —What is s/he like? —S/he is slimmer than me and s/he has short and dark hair. —My cousin is more outgoing than me, s/he has a lot of friends. Making simple comparisons (Giving explanations/reasons) S/he can play basketball well because s/he is taller than me. attractive beautiful cute easy-going generous handsome honest headscarf outgoing plump punctual selfish slim smart stubborn Listening E7.1.L1. Students will be able to understand clear, standard... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Gaziler Günü (19 Eylül), İlköğretim Haftası
EYLÜL 23-27 Eylül 4 Unit 1: Appearance and Personality Functions & Useful Language Describing characters/people (Making simple inquiries) —What does your best friend look like? —S/he is beautiful/handsome, with curly hair and green eyes. —What is s/he like? —S/he is slimmer than me and s/he has short and dark hair. —My cousin is more outgoing than me, s/he has a lot of friends. Making simple comparisons (Giving explanations/reasons) S/he can play basketball well because s/he is taller than me. attractive beautiful cute easy-going generous handsome honest headscarf outgoing plump punctual selfish slim smart stubborn Listening E7.1.L1. Students will be able to understand clear, standard... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EYLÜL 30 Eylül- 04 Ekim 4 Unit 2: Sports Functions & Useful Language Talking about routines and daily activities —Do you often go on a diet? —I never/sometimes/often/usually/ always go on a diet. —How often do you exercise/train? —Once a month./Twice a day./Three times a week. He usually goes jogging in the park. Describing what people do regularly (Giving explanations and reasons) I never/sometimes/often/usually/always wake up early in the mornings. S/he eats healthy food and runs once/ twice a day because s/he wants to win a medal. They are never/sometimes/often/ usually/always late to gym. achieve beat draw equipment go jogging/swimming/skating/running/… go on a diet hit indoor/outdoor injury, -ies lose medal, -s score ... a goal/a point spectator, -s success, -es train Listening E7.2.L1. Students will be able to recognize frequency adverbs in simple oral texts. Spoken Interaction E7.2.SI1. Students will be able to ask questions related to the frequency of events. Spoken Production E7.2.SP1. Students will be able to talk about routines/daily activities by using frequency adverbs and giving explanations and reasons. Reading E7.2.R1. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts on sports. Writing E7.2.W1. Students will be able to write pieces about routines/daily activities by using frequency adverbs. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Hayvanları Koruma Günü (4 Ekim)
EKİM 07-11 Ekim 4 Unit 2: Sports Functions & Useful Language Talking about routines and daily activities —Do you often go on a diet? —I never/sometimes/often/usually/ always go on a diet. —How often do you exercise/train? —Once a month./Twice a day./Three times a week. He usually goes jogging in the park. Describing what people do regularly (Giving explanations and reasons) I never/sometimes/often/usually/always wake up early in the mornings. S/he eats healthy food and runs once/ twice a day because s/he wants to win a medal. They are never/sometimes/often/ usually/always late to gym. achieve beat draw equipment go jogging/swimming/skating/running/… go on a diet hit indoor/outdoor injury, -ies lose medal, -s score ... a goal/a point spectator, -s success, -es train Listening E7.2.L1. Students will be able to recognize frequency adverbs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 14-18 Ekim 4 Unit 2: Sports Functions & Useful Language Talking about routines and daily activities —Do you often go on a diet? —I never/sometimes/often/usually/ always go on a diet. —How often do you exercise/train? —Once a month./Twice a day./Three times a week. He usually goes jogging in the park. Describing what people do regularly (Giving explanations and reasons) I never/sometimes/often/usually/always wake up early in the mornings. S/he eats healthy food and runs once/ twice a day because s/he wants to win a medal. They are never/sometimes/often/ usually/always late to gym. achieve beat draw equipment go jogging/swimming/skating/running/… go on a diet hit indoor/outdoor injury, -ies lose medal, -s score ... a goal/a point spectator, -s success, -es train Listening E7.2.L1. Students will be able to recognize frequency adverbs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 21-25 Ekim 4 Unit 2: Sports Functions & Useful Language Talking about routines and daily activities —Do you often go on a diet? —I never/sometimes/often/usually/ always go on a diet. —How often do you exercise/train? —Once a month./Twice a day./Three times a week. He usually goes jogging in the park. Describing what people do regularly (Giving explanations and reasons) I never/sometimes/often/usually/always wake up early in the mornings. S/he eats healthy food and runs once/ twice a day because s/he wants to win a medal. They are never/sometimes/often/ usually/always late to gym. achieve beat draw equipment go jogging/swimming/skating/running/… go on a diet hit indoor/outdoor injury, -ies lose medal, -s score ... a goal/a point spectator, -s success, -es train Listening E7.2.L1. Students will be able to recognize frequency adverbs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 28 Ekim- 01 Kasım 4 Unit 3: Biographies Functions & Useful Language Talking about past events (Making simple inquiries) S/he was a hardworking person. S/he was alone and s/he had an interesting life. Why did s/he move to Manchester? —S/he moved to Manchester to study physics. Telling the time, days and dates S/he was born in London in 1970. S/he grew up in London and s/ he stayed there until 1988. alone award, -s brilliant die get engaged/married graduate grow up move own prize, -s raise children/kids Listening E7.3.L1. Students will be able to recognize specific information in oral texts dealing with past events and dates. Spoken Interaction E7.3.SI1. Students will be able to talk about past events with definite time. Spoken Production E7.3.SP1. Students will be able to describe past events and experiences. Reading E7.3.R1. Students will be able to spot specific information about names and dates in past events in written texts. Writing E7.3.W1. Students will be able to write a short and simple report about past events. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı
KASIM 04-08 Kasım 4 Unit 3: Biographies Functions & Useful Language Talking about past events (Making simple inquiries) S/he was a hardworking person. S/he was alone and s/he had an interesting life. Why did s/he move to Manchester? —S/he moved to Manchester to study physics. Telling the time, days and dates S/he was born in London in 1970. S/he grew up in London and s/ he stayed there until 1988. alone award, -s brilliant die get engaged/married graduate grow up move own prize, -s raise children/kids Listening E7.3.L1. Students will be able to recognize specific information... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Atatürk Haftası
KASIM 11-15 Kasım 4 ARA TATİL (11-15 KASIM)
KASIM 18-22 Kasım 4 Unit 3: Biographies Functions & Useful Language Talking about past events (Making simple inquiries) S/he was a hardworking person. S/he was alone and s/he had an interesting life. Why did s/he move to Manchester? —S/he moved to Manchester to study physics. Telling the time, days and dates S/he was born in London in 1970. S/he grew up in London and s/ he stayed there until 1988. alone award, -s brilliant die get engaged/married graduate grow up move own prize, -s raise children/kids Listening E7.3.L1. Students will be able to recognize specific information in oral texts dealing with past events and dates. Spoken Interaction E7.3.SI1. Students will be able to talk about past events with definite time. Spoken Production E7.3.SP1. Students will be able to describe past events and experiences. Reading E7.3.R1. Students will be able to spot specific information about names and dates in past events in written texts. Writing E7.3.W1. Students will be able to write a short and simple report about past events. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
KASIM 25-29 Kasım 4 Unit 3: Biographies Functions & Useful Language Talking about past events (Making simple inquiries) S/he was a hardworking person. S/he was alone and s/he had an interesting life. Why did s/he move to Manchester? —S/he moved to Manchester to study physics. Telling the time, days and dates S/he was born in London in 1970. S/he grew up in London and s/ he stayed there until 1988. alone award, -s brilliant die get engaged/married graduate grow up move own prize, -s raise children/kids Listening E7.3.L1. Students will be able to recognize specific information... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Öğretmenler Günü (24 Kasım)
ARALIK 02-06 Aralık 4 Unit 4: Wild Animals Functions & Useful Language Describing the frequency of actions Tigers usually hunt during the day. Making simple inquiries Where do tigers live? —They live in Asia. Which animals are now extinct? Making simple suggestions What should we do to protect wildlife? —We should protect wild animals. —We shouldn’t hunt them. Talking about past events (Giving explanations/reasons) Some animals became extinct because people hunted them for different reasons. People always harmed wild animals because they were afraid of them. attack be afraid of birds (eagle, falcon, hawk, owl …) cage, -s desert, -s enormous extinct habitat, -s harm human, -s hunt jungle, -s mammals (dolphin, elephant, giraffe, lion, shark, tiger …) poison(ous) prey reptiles (alligator, crocodile, lizard, snake …) survive Listening E7.4.L1. Students will be able to understand past and present events in oral texts. E7.4.L2. Students will be able to identify the names of wild animals in simple oral texts. Spoken Interaction E7.4.SI1. Students will be able to ask people questions about characteristics of wild animals. Spoken Production E7.4.SP1. Students will be able to make simple suggestions. E7.4.SP2. Students will be able to report on past and present events. Reading E7.4.R1. Students will be able to understand past and present events in simple texts including explanations and reasons. E7.4.R2. Students will be able to spot the names of wild animals in simple texts. Writing E7.4.W1. Students will be able to write pieces describing wildlife. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Engelliler Günü (3 Aralık)
ARALIK 09-13 Aralık 4 Unit 4: Wild Animals Functions & Useful Language Describing the frequency of actions Tigers usually hunt during the day. Making simple inquiries Where do tigers live? —They live in Asia. Which animals are now extinct? Making simple suggestions What should we do to protect wildlife? —We should protect wild animals. —We shouldn’t hunt them. Talking about past events (Giving explanations/reasons) Some animals became extinct because people hunted them for different reasons. People always harmed wild animals because they were afraid of them. attack be afraid of birds (eagle, falcon, hawk, owl …) cage, -s desert, -s enormous extinct habitat, -s harm human, -s hunt jungle, -s mammals (dolphin, elephant, giraffe, lion, shark, tiger …) poison(ous) prey reptiles (alligator, crocodile, lizard, snake …) survive Listening E7.4.L1. Students will be able to understand past and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 16-20 Aralık 4 Unit 4: Wild Animals Functions & Useful Language Describing the frequency of actions Tigers usually hunt during the day. Making simple inquiries Where do tigers live? —They live in Asia. Which animals are now extinct? Making simple suggestions What should we do to protect wildlife? —We should protect wild animals. —We shouldn’t hunt them. Talking about past events (Giving explanations/reasons) Some animals became extinct because people hunted them for different reasons. People always harmed wild animals because they were afraid of them. attack be afraid of birds (eagle, falcon, hawk, owl …) cage, -s desert, -s enormous extinct habitat, -s harm human, -s hunt jungle, -s mammals (dolphin, elephant, giraffe, lion, shark, tiger …) poison(ous) prey reptiles (alligator, crocodile, lizard, snake …) survive Listening E7.4.L1. Students will be able to understand past and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 23-27 Aralık 4 Unit 4: Wild Animals Functions & Useful Language Describing the frequency of actions Tigers usually hunt during the day. Making simple inquiries Where do tigers live? —They live in Asia. Which animals are now extinct? Making simple suggestions What should we do to protect wildlife? —We should protect wild animals. —We shouldn’t hunt them. Talking about past events (Giving explanations/reasons) Some animals became extinct because people hunted them for different reasons. People always harmed wild animals because they were afraid of them. attack be afraid of birds (eagle, falcon, hawk, owl …) cage, -s desert, -s enormous extinct habitat, -s harm human, -s hunt jungle, -s mammals (dolphin, elephant, giraffe, lion, shark, tiger …) poison(ous) prey reptiles (alligator, crocodile, lizard, snake …) survive Listening E7.4.L1. Students will be able to understand past and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Mehmet Akif Ersoy’u Anma Haftası
ARALIK 30 Aralık- 03 Ocak 4 Unit 5: Television Functions & Useful Language Describing what people do regularly I never/sometimes/often/usually/always watch football matches at weekends. I can’t wait for it. Expressing preferences I prefer movies to TV series. S/he prefers talk shows to reality shows. My favorite TV program is … Stating personal opinions Talk shows are usually amusing, but I think reality shows are pretty boring. Talking about past events Did you watch the wild life documentary last night? —I watched it last night, and it was fantastic. appear channel, -s commercial, -s director, -s discussion, -s documentary, -ies news quiz show, -s reality show, -s recommend remote control, -s series sitcom, -s soap opera, -s talk show, -s Listening E7.5.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral texts about daily routines and preferences. Spoken Interaction E7.5.SI1. Students will be able to ask questions about preferences of other people. E7.5.SI2. Students will be able to talk about past events and personal experiences. Spoken Production E7.5.SP1. Students will be able to state their preferences. E7.5.SP2. Students will be able to describe past events in a simple way. Reading E7.5.R1. Students will be able to understand simple texts about daily routines and preferences. E7.5.R2. Students will be able to understand simple texts about past events. Writing E7.5.W1. Students will be able to write pieces about daily routines and preferences. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 06-10 Ocak 4 Unit 5: Television Functions & Useful Language Describing what people do regularly I never/sometimes/often/usually/always watch football matches at weekends. I can’t wait for it. Expressing preferences I prefer movies to TV series. S/he prefers talk shows to reality shows. My favorite TV program is … Stating personal opinions Talk shows are usually amusing, but I think reality shows are pretty boring. Talking about past events Did you watch the wild life documentary last night? —I watched it last night, and it was fantastic. appear channel, -s commercial, -s director, -s discussion, -s documentary, -ies news quiz show, -s reality show, -s recommend remote control, -s series sitcom, -s soap opera, -s talk show, -s Listening E7.5.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 13-17 Ocak 4 Unit 5: Television Functions & Useful Language Describing what people do regularly I never/sometimes/often/usually/always watch football matches at weekends. I can’t wait for it. Expressing preferences I prefer movies to TV series. S/he prefers talk shows to reality shows. My favorite TV program is … Stating personal opinions Talk shows are usually amusing, but I think reality shows are pretty boring. Talking about past events Did you watch the wild life documentary last night? —I watched it last night, and it was fantastic. appear channel, -s commercial, -s director, -s discussion, -s documentary, -ies news quiz show, -s reality show, -s recommend remote control, -s series sitcom, -s soap opera, -s talk show, -s Listening E7.5.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 03-07 Şubat 4 Unit 5: Television Functions & Useful Language Describing what people do regularly I never/sometimes/often/usually/always watch football matches at weekends. I can’t wait for it. Expressing preferences I prefer movies to TV series. S/he prefers talk shows to reality shows. My favorite TV program is … Stating personal opinions Talk shows are usually amusing, but I think reality shows are pretty boring. Talking about past events Did you watch the wild life documentary last night? —I watched it last night, and it was fantastic. appear channel, -s commercial, -s director, -s discussion, -s documentary, -ies news quiz show, -s reality show, -s recommend remote control, -s series sitcom, -s soap opera, -s talk show, -s Listening E7.5.L1. Students will be able to understand simple oral texts about daily routines and preferences. Spoken Interaction E7.5.SI1. Students will be able to ask questions about preferences of other people. E7.5.SI2. Students will be able to talk about past events and personal experiences. Spoken Production E7.5.SP1. Students will be able to state their preferences. E7.5.SP2. Students will be able to describe past events in a simple way. Reading E7.5.R1. Students will be able to understand simple texts about daily routines and preferences. E7.5.R2. Students will be able to understand simple texts about past events. Writing E7.5.W1. Students will be able to write pieces about daily routines and preferences. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
ŞUBAT 10-14 Şubat 4 Unit 6: Celebrations Functions & Useful Language Making simple suggestions (Accepting and refusing) Would you like some cake? —Yes, please. Just a little. I’ll get a sandwich. Would you like one? —No, thanks. I am full. Making arrangements and sequencing the actions It is easy to organize a birthday party. First, you should prepare a guest list. Then, you should decorate your place. Finally, you should prepare lots of food. Expressing needs and quantity We need some/a lot of balloons. I have a lot of/many/one or two/some presents arrange attend beverage, -s decorate fancy guest, -s host, -s invitation card/message invite organize refuse wrap Listening E7.6.L1. Students will be able to recognize utterances related to suggestions, needs and quantity of things. Spoken Interaction E7.6.SI1. Students will be able to talk about arrangements and sequences of actions. Spoken Production E7.6.SP1. Students will be able to make suggestions. E7.6.SP2. Students will be able to express needs and quantity. Reading E7.6.R1. Students will be able to understand texts about celebrations. Writing E7.6.W1. Students will be able to write invitation cards. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 17-21 Şubat 4 Unit 6: Celebrations Functions & Useful Language Making simple suggestions (Accepting and refusing) Would you like some cake? —Yes, please. Just a little. I’ll get a sandwich. Would you like one? —No, thanks. I am full. Making arrangements and sequencing the actions It is easy to organize a birthday party. First, you should prepare a guest list. Then, you should decorate your place. Finally, you should prepare lots of food. Expressing needs and quantity We need some/a lot of balloons. I have a lot of/many/one or two/some presents arrange attend beverage, -s decorate fancy guest, -s host, -s invitation card/message invite organize refuse wrap Listening E7.6.L1. Students will be able to recognize utterances related... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 24-28 Şubat 4 Unit 6: Celebrations Functions & Useful Language Making simple suggestions (Accepting and refusing) Would you like some cake? —Yes, please. Just a little. I’ll get a sandwich. Would you like one? —No, thanks. I am full. Making arrangements and sequencing the actions It is easy to organize a birthday party. First, you should prepare a guest list. Then, you should decorate your place. Finally, you should prepare lots of food. Expressing needs and quantity We need some/a lot of balloons. I have a lot of/many/one or two/some presents arrange attend beverage, -s decorate fancy guest, -s host, -s invitation card/message invite organize refuse wrap Listening E7.6.L1. Students will be able to recognize utterances related... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 03-07 Mart 4 Unit 6: Celebrations Functions & Useful Language Making simple suggestions (Accepting and refusing) Would you like some cake? —Yes, please. Just a little. I’ll get a sandwich. Would you like one? —No, thanks. I am full. Making arrangements and sequencing the actions It is easy to organize a birthday party. First, you should prepare a guest list. Then, you should decorate your place. Finally, you should prepare lots of food. Expressing needs and quantity We need some/a lot of balloons. I have a lot of/many/one or two/some presents arrange attend beverage, -s decorate fancy guest, -s host, -s invitation card/message invite organize refuse wrap Listening E7.6.L1. Students will be able to recognize utterances related... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 10-14 Mart 4 Unit 7: Dreams Functions & Useful Language Making predictions —Will they be the champion? —I hope so. Do you think so? —I hope so./I hope not. —What is your dream for the future? —I will definitely go to university, but I may not live in a big city. I may get married. The world will be a more peaceful place. The Internet will become more popular. believe career dream excellent guess imagine make a guess peaceful predict probably receive trick, -s Listening E7.7.L1. Students will be able to understand utterances about predictions and future events in simple oral texts. Spoken Interaction E7.7.SI1. Students will be able to talk about simple predictions. Spoken Production E7.7.SP1. Students will be able to report on simple predictions. Reading E7.7.R1. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about predictions. Writing E7.7.W1. Students will be able to write pieces about predictions and future events. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstiklâl Marşı'nın Kabulü be Mehmet Akif Ersoy'u Anma Günü (12 Mart)
MART 17-21 Mart 4 Unit 7: Dreams Functions & Useful Language Making predictions —Will they be the champion? —I hope so. Do you think so? —I hope so./I hope not. —What is your dream for the future? —I will definitely go to university, but I may not live in a big city. I may get married. The world will be a more peaceful place. The Internet will become more popular. believe career dream excellent guess imagine make a guess peaceful predict probably receive trick, -s Listening E7.7.L1. Students will be able to understand utterances about... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferi, Şehitler Günü
MART 24-28 Mart 4 Unit 7: Dreams Functions & Useful Language Making predictions —Will they be the champion? —I hope so. Do you think so? —I hope so./I hope not. —What is your dream for the future? —I will definitely go to university, but I may not live in a big city. I may get married. The world will be a more peaceful place. The Internet will become more popular. believe career dream excellent guess imagine make a guess peaceful predict probably receive trick, -s Listening E7.7.L1. Students will be able to understand utterances about... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Tiyatrolar Günü (27 Mart)
MART 31 Mart- 04 Nisan 4 Unit 8: Public Buildings Functions & Useful Language Giving explanations/reasons You should play in the new park to make friends. S/he can go to shopping malls to buy anything. You may go to the police station to report the burglary. I usually visit the hospital to see my doctor. S/he went to the cinema to watch a documentary about wild life. They went to the bookshop to buy a sports magazine. amusement park, -s art gallery, -ies bakery, -ies chemist’s city hall coffee shop, -s department store, -s fire station game/music store, -s governorship grocery, -ies movie theater, -s municipal office municipality, -ies police station shopping mall, -s Listening E7.8.L1. Students will be able to recognize the names of the public buildings. E7.8.L2. Students will be able to understand explanations with reasons. Spoken Interaction E7.8.SI1. Students will be able to give explanations with reasons. Spoken Production E7.8.SP1. Students will be able to report on explanations with reasons. Reading E7.8.R1. Students will be able to understand simple expressions and recognize familiar words about explanations with reasons Writing E7.8.W1. Students will be able to write pieces about explanations with reasons. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kütüphaneler Haftası, Dünya Otizm Farkındalık Günü (2 Nisan)
NİSAN 07-11 Nisan 4 ARA TATİL (31 MART - 4 NİSAN)
NİSAN 14-18 Nisan 4 Unit 8: Public Buildings Functions & Useful Language Giving explanations/reasons You should play in the new park to make friends. S/he can go to shopping malls to buy anything. You may go to the police station to report the burglary. I usually visit the hospital to see my doctor. S/he went to the cinema to watch a documentary about wild life. They went to the bookshop to buy a sports magazine. amusement park, -s art gallery, -ies bakery, -ies chemist’s city hall coffee shop, -s department store, -s fire station game/music store, -s governorship grocery, -ies movie theater, -s municipal office municipality, -ies police station shopping mall, -s Listening E7.8.L1. Students will be able to recognize the names of the public buildings. E7.8.L2. Students will be able to understand explanations with reasons. Spoken Interaction E7.8.SI1. Students will be able to give explanations with reasons. Spoken Production E7.8.SP1. Students will be able to report on explanations with reasons. Reading E7.8.R1. Students will be able to understand simple expressions and recognize familiar words about explanations with reasons Writing E7.8.W1. Students will be able to write pieces about explanations with reasons. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
NİSAN 21-25 Nisan 4 Unit 8: Public Buildings Functions & Useful Language Giving explanations/reasons You should play in the new park to make friends. S/he can go to shopping malls to buy anything. You may go to the police station to report the burglary. I usually visit the hospital to see my doctor. S/he went to the cinema to watch a documentary about wild life. They went to the bookshop to buy a sports magazine. amusement park, -s art gallery, -ies bakery, -ies chemist’s city hall coffee shop, -s department store, -s fire station game/music store, -s governorship grocery, -ies movie theater, -s municipal office municipality, -ies police station shopping mall, -s Listening E7.8.L1. Students will be able to recognize the names... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı
NİSAN 28 Nisan- 02 Mayıs 4 Unit 8: Public Buildings Functions & Useful Language Giving explanations/reasons You should play in the new park to make friends. S/he can go to shopping malls to buy anything. You may go to the police station to report the burglary. I usually visit the hospital to see my doctor. S/he went to the cinema to watch a documentary about wild life. They went to the bookshop to buy a sports magazine. amusement park, -s art gallery, -ies bakery, -ies chemist’s city hall coffee shop, -s department store, -s fire station game/music store, -s governorship grocery, -ies movie theater, -s municipal office municipality, -ies police station shopping mall, -s Listening E7.8.L1. Students will be able to recognize the names... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kût'ül Amâre Zaferi (29 Nisan), 1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü
MAYIS 05-09 Mayıs 4 Unit 9: Environment Functions & Useful Language Describing simple processes First, get the seeds. Then, plant and water them. Expressing obligation What should we do for our environment? —We have to start using public transportation. —Stop polluting the rivers. We must stop destroying forests. Giving explanations/reasons Rain forests are important because they are necessary for oxygen. We should protect wild animals because they are important for the balance of the nature. balance climate, -s eco-friendly efficient global warming green house effect increase nature protect pollute/pollution recycle renewable responsible solar/wind energy take action temperature threaten waste Listening E7.9.L1. Students will be able to understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary about environment. E7.9.L2. Students will be able to follow how a simple process is described in clear oral texts. Spoken Interaction E7.9.SI1. Students will be able to talk about obligations. E7.9.SI2. Students will be able to give simple instructions for a specific process. Spoken Production E7.9.SP1. Students will be able to give a simple description or presentation of a process. Reading E7.9.R1. Students will be able to identify specific information in various texts about environment. Writing E7.9.W1. Students will be able to write short, simple messages about environment. E7.9.W2. Students will be able to write short description of a process. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 12-16 Mayıs 4 Unit 9: Environment Functions & Useful Language Describing simple processes First, get the seeds. Then, plant and water them. Expressing obligation What should we do for our environment? —We have to start using public transportation. —Stop polluting the rivers. We must stop destroying forests. Giving explanations/reasons Rain forests are important because they are necessary for oxygen. We should protect wild animals because they are important for the balance of the nature. balance climate, -s eco-friendly efficient global warming green house effect increase nature protect pollute/pollution recycle renewable responsible solar/wind energy take action temperature threaten waste Listening E7.9.L1. Students will be able to understand phrases and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 19-23 Mayıs 4 Unit 9: Environment Functions & Useful Language Describing simple processes First, get the seeds. Then, plant and water them. Expressing obligation What should we do for our environment? —We have to start using public transportation. —Stop polluting the rivers. We must stop destroying forests. Giving explanations/reasons Rain forests are important because they are necessary for oxygen. We should protect wild animals because they are important for the balance of the nature. balance climate, -s eco-friendly efficient global warming green house effect increase nature protect pollute/pollution recycle renewable responsible solar/wind energy take action temperature threaten waste Listening E7.9.L1. Students will be able to understand phrases and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı
MAYIS 26-30 Mayıs 4 Unit 10: Planets Functions & Useful Language Making simple comparisons —Jupiter is larger than Saturn. —Uranus is cooler than Saturn. Talking about past events When did scientists discover Pluto? In 2003, the Mars Exploration Mission began. They discovered evidence of water. Making simple inquiries Is there any water on the surface of Mars? Is there life in other planets? What do you know about our solar system? What do you know about planets? atmosphere evidence explore galaxy gravity meteor moon, -s observe orbit planet, -s proof rescue satellite, -s shower, -s solar system, -s space shuttle, -s surface, -s universe Listening E7.10.L1. Students will be able to identify the discussion topic about popular science in simple oral texts. Spoken Interaction E7.10.SI1. Students will be able to make simple comparisons. E7.10.SI2. Students will be able to talk about past events. Spoken Production E7.10.SP1. Students will be able to report on general truths in various ways. Reading E7.10.R1. Students will be able to identify specific information in various texts about facts and general truths. E7.10.R2. Students will be able to identify specific information about past events. Writing E7.10.W1. Students will be able to write short and basic descriptions of facts and general truths. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstanbul'un Fethi (29 Mayıs)
HAZİRAN 02-06 Haziran 4 Unit 10: Planets Functions & Useful Language Making simple comparisons —Jupiter is larger than Saturn. —Uranus is cooler than Saturn. Talking about past events When did scientists discover Pluto? In 2003, the Mars Exploration Mission began. They discovered evidence of water. Making simple inquiries Is there any water on the surface of Mars? Is there life in other planets? What do you know about our solar system? What do you know about planets? atmosphere evidence explore galaxy gravity meteor moon, -s observe orbit planet, -s proof rescue satellite, -s shower, -s solar system, -s space shuttle, -s surface, -s universe Listening E7.10.L1. Students will be able to identify the discussion... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
HAZİRAN 09-13 Haziran 4 Unit 10: Planets Functions & Useful Language Making simple comparisons —Jupiter is larger than Saturn. —Uranus is cooler than Saturn. Talking about past events When did scientists discover Pluto? In 2003, the Mars Exploration Mission began. They discovered evidence of water. Making simple inquiries Is there any water on the surface of Mars? Is there life in other planets? What do you know about our solar system? What do you know about planets? atmosphere evidence explore galaxy gravity meteor moon, -s observe orbit planet, -s proof rescue satellite, -s shower, -s solar system, -s space shuttle, -s surface, -s universe Listening E7.10.L1. Students will be able to identify the discussion... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...

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