2024-2025 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ..........................................................................
Ay Hafta Saat Ünite Konu Kazanım Açıklama Teknik Araç Ölçme Etkinlik
EYLÜL 09-13 Eylül 2 Unit 1: Greeting Greeting and saluting Introducing oneself Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to recognize the basic expressions of greeting and saluting. Students will be able to recognize the alphabet. Students will be able to recognize the numbers from 1 to 20 Speaking Students will be able to greet each other in a simple way. Students will be able to introduce themselves in a simple way. Students will be able to spell their names. Students will be able to say the numbers from 1 to 20. . Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Making puppets Questions and Answers Reordering Assignments Students prepare a visual dictionary to show the words they know in English. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme 15 Temmuz Demokrasi ve Millî Birlik Günü
EYLÜL 16-20 Eylül 2 Unit 1: Greeting Greeting and saluting Introducing oneself Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to recognize the basic expressions... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Gaziler Günü (19 Eylül), İlköğretim Haftası
EYLÜL 23-27 Eylül 2 Unit 1: Greeting Greeting and saluting Introducing oneself Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to recognize the basic expressions... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EYLÜL 30 Eylül- 04 Ekim 2 Unit 1: Greeting Greeting and saluting Introducing oneself Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to recognize the basic expressions... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Hayvanları Koruma Günü (4 Ekim)
EKİM 07-11 Ekim 2 Unit 2: My Family Asking about and introducing family members Listening Students will be able to recognize kinship terms (names for family members). Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions. Speaking Students will be able to ask about and state the relationships of their family members. Students will be able to introduce their family members in a simple way. Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and answers Assignments Students bring in family photos or draw the pictures of their family members. Then they prepare a poster to introduce their family members. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 14-18 Ekim 2 Unit 2: My Family Asking about and introducing family members Listening Students will be able to recognize kinship terms (names... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 21-25 Ekim 2 Unit 2: My Family Asking about and introducing family membersAsking about and introducing family members Listening Students will be able to recognize kinship terms (names for family members). Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions. Speaking Students will be able to ask about and state the relationships of their family members. Students will be able to introduce their family members in a simple way.Listening Students will be able to recognize kinship terms (names for family members). Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions. Speaking Students will be able to ask about and state the relationships of their family members. Students will be able to introduce their family members in a simple way. Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and answers Assignments Students bring in family photos or draw the pictures of their family members. Then they prepare a poster to introduce their family members.Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Rhymes Signs Songs Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and answers Assignments Students bring in family photos or draw the pictures of their family members. Then they prepare a poster to introduce their family members. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 28 Ekim- 01 Kasım 2 Unit 3: People I love Expressing ability and inability Listening Students will be able to recognize the physical qualities of individuals. Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions, Speaking Students will be able to talk about physical qualities of individuals. Students will be able to talk about abilities. Contexts Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Labeling Matching Making puppets Questions and Answers Reordering Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare a poster to show/write what super heroes can and/or cannot do Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı
KASIM 04-08 Kasım 2 Unit 3: People I love Expressing ability and inability Listening Students will be able to recognize the physical qualities... Contexts Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters Songs Tables Videos... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Atatürk Haftası
KASIM 11-15 Kasım 2 ARA TATİL (11-15 KASIM)
KASIM 18-22 Kasım 2 Unit 3: People I love Expressing ability and inability Listening Students will be able to recognize the physical qualities of individuals. Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions, Speaking Students will be able to talk about physical qualities of individuals. Students will be able to talk about abilities. Contexts Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters Songs Tables Videos... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
KASIM 25-29 Kasım 2 Unit 3: People I love Expressing ability and inability Listening Students will be able to recognize the physical qualities... Contexts Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters Songs Tables Videos... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Öğretmenler Günü (24 Kasım)
ARALIK 02-06 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Feelings Expressing feelings Making simple suggestions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of emotions/feelings. Students will be able to recognize simple suggestions. Speaking Students will be able to talk about personal emotions/feelings. Students will be able to make simple suggestions. Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Podcasts Poems Posters Signs Songs Stories Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Labeling Matching Making Puppets Questions and Answers Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare posters to display different state of feelings and hang the posters on the classroom walls. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Engelliler Günü (3 Aralık)
ARALIK 09-13 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Feelings Expressing feelings Making simple suggestions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Podcasts Poems Posters Signs Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 16-20 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Feelings Expressing feelings Making simple suggestions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Podcasts Poems Posters Signs Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 23-27 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Feelings Expressing feelings Making simple suggestions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Podcasts Poems Posters Signs Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Mehmet Akif Ersoy’u Anma Haftası
ARALIK 30 Aralık- 03 Ocak 2 Unit 5: Toys and Games Expressing quantity Naming colors Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of toys. Students will be able to follow short, simple, dialogues about possessions. Speaking Students will be able to talk about the quantity of things. Students will be able to tell the colors and quantity of the toys they have. Contexts Advertisements Charts Conversations Coupons Fairy tales Illustrations Instructions Lists - Poems Posters Probes/Realia Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students bring their favorite toys to class-room and introduce them to their friends in English Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 06-10 Ocak 2 Unit 5: Toys and Games Expressing quantity Naming colors Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of... Contexts Advertisements Charts Conversations Coupons Fairy tales Illustrations Instructions Lists... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 13-17 Ocak 2 Unit 5: Toys and Games Expressing quantity Naming colors Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the names of... Contexts Advertisements Charts Conversations Coupons Fairy tales Illustrations Instructions Lists... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 03-07 Şubat 2 Unit 6: My House Describing sizes and shapes Talking about locations of things Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the characteristics of shapes. Students will be able to recognize the names of the parts of a house. Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about size and shapes. Speaking Students will be able to talk about the shapes of things. Students will be able to ask about and say the parts of a house. Students will be able to ask about and tell the location of things in a house. Students will be able to talk about possessions. Contexts Advertisements Conversations Illustrations Posters Probes/Realia Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students prepare a model house and describe it to their friends. Students bring in advertisement cutouts and describe the rooms to their peers. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
ŞUBAT 10-14 Şubat 2 Unit 6: My House Describing sizes and shapes Talking about locations of things Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the characteristics of... Contexts Advertisements Conversations Illustrations Posters Probes/Realia Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 17-21 Şubat 2 Unit 6: My House Describing sizes and shapes Talking about locations of things Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the characteristics of... Contexts Advertisements Conversations Illustrations Posters Probes/Realia Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 24-28 Şubat 2 Unit 6: My House Describing sizes and shapes Talking about locations of things Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to recognize the characteristics of... Contexts Advertisements Conversations Illustrations Posters Probes/Realia Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 03-07 Mart 2 Unit 7: In My City Talking about locations of things and people Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of buildings and parts of a city Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about the types of buildings and parts of a city. Speaking Students will be able to talk about where buildings and other places are on a city map. Students will be able to talk about where people are. Students will be able to express apologies. Contexts Advertisements Illustrations Lists Maps Notes and Messages Notices Posters Signs Songs Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students prepare a map of their city/town/village and describe it in groups. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 10-14 Mart 2 Unit 7: In My City Talking about locations of things and people Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of... Contexts Advertisements Illustrations Lists Maps Notes and Messages Notices Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstiklâl Marşı'nın Kabulü be Mehmet Akif Ersoy'u Anma Günü (12 Mart)
MART 17-21 Mart 2 Unit 7: In My City Talking about locations of things and people Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of... Contexts Advertisements Illustrations Lists Maps Notes and Messages Notices Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferi, Şehitler Günü
MART 24-28 Mart 2 Unit 7: In My City Talking about locations of things and people Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of... Contexts Advertisements Illustrations Lists Maps Notes and Messages Notices Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Tiyatrolar Günü (27 Mart)
MART 31 Mart- 04 Nisan 2 Unit 8: Transportation Talking about locations of things (Making simple inquiries) Asking and giving information about transportation Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of vehicles. Students will be able to understand simple and short oral texts about transportation. Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about transportation. Speaking Students will be able to talk about where vehicles are. Students will be able to talk about the using of transportation vehicles Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare a poster of transportation vehicles and hang them on the classroom walls. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kütüphaneler Haftası, Dünya Otizm Farkındalık Günü (2 Nisan)
NİSAN 07-11 Nisan 2 ARA TATİL (31 MART - 4 NİSAN)
NİSAN 14-18 Nisan 2 Unit 8: Transportation Talking about locations of things (Making simple inquiries) Asking and giving information about transportation Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of vehicles. Students will be able to understand simple and short oral texts about transportation. Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about transportation. Speaking Students will be able to talk about where vehicles are. Students will be able to talk about the using of transportation vehicles Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
NİSAN 21-25 Nisan 2 Unit 8: Transportation Talking about locations of things (Making simple inquiries) Asking and giving information about transportation Listening Students will be able to recognize the types of... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı
NİSAN 28 Nisan- 02 Mayıs 2 Unit 9 Weather Describing the weather Listening Students will be able to identify various weather conditions. Speaking Students will be able to talk about the weather conditions. Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kût'ül Amâre Zaferi (29 Nisan), 1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü
MAYIS 05-09 Mayıs 2 Unit 9 Weather Describing the weather Listening Students will be able to identify various weather conditions.... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 12-16 Mayıs 2 Unit 9 Weather Describing the weather Listening Students will be able to identify various weather conditions.... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 19-23 Mayıs 2 Unit 9 Weather Describing the weather Listening Students will be able to identify various weather conditions.... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı
MAYIS 26-30 Mayıs 2 Unit 10: Nature Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Talking about nature and animals Listening Students will be able to recognize nature and the names of animals. Students will be able Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about nature and animals. Speaking Students will be able to talk about nature and animals. Students will be able to talk about the animals they like or dislike and the nature. Contexts Advertisements Blogs Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Matching Making Puppets Questions and Answers Reordering Assignments Students complete and reflect on their visual dictionaries. In groups, students prepare animal masks and color them. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstanbul'un Fethi (29 Mayıs)
HAZİRAN 02-06 Haziran 2 Unit 10: Nature Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Talking about nature and animals Listening Students will be able to recognize nature and the... Contexts Advertisements Blogs Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
HAZİRAN 09-13 Haziran 2 Unit 10: Nature Consolidation Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Talking about nature and animals Consolidation Listening Students will be able to recognize nature and the names of animals. Students will be able Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about nature and animals. Speaking Students will be able to talk about nature and animals. Students will be able to talk about the animals they like or dislike and the nature. Consolidation Contexts Advertisements Blogs Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Signs Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Matching Making Puppets Questions and Answers Reordering Assignments Students complete and reflect on their visual dictionaries. In groups, students prepare animal masks and color them. Consolidation Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...

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