2024-2025 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ..........................................................................
Ay Hafta Saat Ünite Konu Kazanım Açıklama Teknik Araç Ölçme Etkinlik
EYLÜL 09-13 Eylül 2 Unit 1: Classroom Rules Asking for permission Making simple requests Telling someone what to do Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to understand short and clear utterances about requests. Students will be able to understand short and clear utterances about permission. Students will be able to recognize simple classroom instructions. Students will be able to recognize numbers from one to fifty Speaking Students will be able to interact with their classmates through asking for and giving permission in short utterances. Students will be able to make requests by using simple utterances. Students will be able to give and respond to simple instructions verbally. Students will be able to count to fifty. Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Notes and Messages Posters Signs - Songs - Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students prepare a visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare simple puppets and practise how to ask for and give permission. Students prepare a poster of classroom rules with a list of simple instructions and visuals. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme 15 Temmuz Demokrasi ve Millî Birlik Günü
EYLÜL 16-20 Eylül 2 Unit 1: Classroom Rules Asking for permission Making simple requests Telling someone what to do Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to understand short and clear... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Notes and Messages... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Gaziler Günü (19 Eylül), İlköğretim Haftası
EYLÜL 23-27 Eylül 2 Unit 1: Classroom Rules Asking for permission Making simple requests Telling someone what to do Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to understand short and clear... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Notes and Messages... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EYLÜL 30 Eylül- 04 Ekim 2 Unit 1: Classroom Rules Asking for permission Making simple requests Telling someone what to do Naming numbers Listening Students will be able to understand short and clear... Contexts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Notes and Messages... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Hayvanları Koruma Günü (4 Ekim)
EKİM 07-11 Ekim 2 Unit 2: Nationality Identifying countries and nationalities Talking about locations of cities (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to recognize information about other people Students will be able to identify different people’s nationalities. Speaking Students will be able to talk about nations and nationalities. Students will be able to talk about locations of cities Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Maps Postcards Posters Rhymes Songs Tables Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Storytelling Assignments Students prepare finger puppets (of different nationalities) and practise short dialogues about countries and nationalities. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 14-18 Ekim 2 Unit 2: Nationality Identifying countries and nationalities Talking about locations of cities (Making simple inquiries)Identifying countries and nationalities Talking about locations of cities (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to recognize information about other people Students will be able to identify different people’s nationalities. Speaking Students will be able to talk about nations and nationalities. Students will be able to talk about locations of citiesListening Students will be able to recognize information about other people Students will be able to identify different people’s nationalities. Speaking Students will be able to talk about nations and nationalities. Students will be able to talk about locations of cities Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Maps Postcards Posters Rhymes Songs Tables Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Storytelling Assignments Students prepare finger puppets (of different nationalities) and practise short dialogues about countries and nationalities.Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Maps Postcards Posters Rhymes Songs Tables Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Storytelling Assignments Students prepare finger puppets (of different nationalities) and practise short dialogues about countries and nationalities. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 21-25 Ekim 2 Unit 2: Nationality Identifying countries and nationalities Talking about locations of cities (Making simple inquiries)Identifying countries and nationalities Talking about locations of cities (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to recognize information about other... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Maps Postcards... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
EKİM 28 Ekim- 01 Kasım 2 Unit 3: Cartoon Characters Expressing ability and inability Talking about possessions (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to get the main idea of a simple oral text about the abilities of the self and others. Students will be able to recognize possessions of others in a clear, short and slow oral text. Speaking Students will be able to talk about their own and others’ possessions. Students will be able to deliver a simple, brief speech about abilities with an initial preparation. Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Matching Making Puppets Questions and Answers Storytelling Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students make puppets of heroes they prefer, describe their abilities and present them in groups. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı
KASIM 04-08 Kasım 2 Unit 3: Cartoon Characters Expressing ability and inability Talking about possessions (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to get the main idea... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Atatürk Haftası
KASIM 11-15 Kasım 2 ARA TATİL (11-15 KASIM)
KASIM 18-22 Kasım 2 Unit 3: Cartoon Characters Expressing ability and inability Talking about possessions (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to get the main idea of a simple oral text about the abilities of the self and others. Students will be able to recognize possessions of others in a clear, short and slow oral text. Speaking Students will be able to talk about their own and others’ possessions. Students will be able to deliver a simple, brief speech about abilities with an initial preparation. Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
KASIM 25-29 Kasım 2 Unit 3: Cartoon Characters Expressing ability and inability Talking about possessions (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to get the main idea... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Öğretmenler Günü (24 Kasım)
ARALIK 02-06 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Free Time Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Asking for clarification Listening Students will be able to understand the general information in an oral text about likes and dislikes. Speaking Students will be able to talk about their likes and dislikes. Students will be able to engage in simple conversations about likes and dislikes. Students will be able to ask for clarification in conversations. Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Rhymes Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppet Matching Questions and Answers Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare a questionnaire (find someone who...) to find out what other peers like and dislike. Students prepare a chart illustrating their most popular free-time activities and hobbies in the classroom. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Engelliler Günü (3 Aralık)
ARALIK 09-13 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Free Time Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Asking for clarification Listening Students will be able to understand the general information... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Rhymes Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 16-20 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Free Time Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Asking for clarification Listening Students will be able to understand the general information... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Rhymes Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ARALIK 23-27 Aralık 2 Unit 4: Free Time Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Asking for clarification Listening Students will be able to understand the general information... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notices Posters Rhymes Songs... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Mehmet Akif Ersoy’u Anma Haftası
ARALIK 30 Aralık- 03 Ocak 2 Unit 5: My Day Talking about daily routines Making simple inquiries Telling the time and days Listening Students will be able to understand the general and specific information in a short, oral text about daily routines. Students will be able to recognize the time in a short oral text. Speaking Students will be able to talk about their daily routines. Students will be able to talk about the time. Contexts Advertisements -Captions -Cartoons Charts -Conversations -Fairy tales Illustrations -Lists -Notes and messages -Poems -Postcards Posters Probes/Realia -Rhymes -Songs Tables -Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Reordering - Storytelling Assignments Students prepare a timetable showing what they do during the day and present their daily routines to their peers. Students prepare a clock as a craft activity to practice time and numbers. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 06-10 Ocak 2 Unit 5: My Day Talking about daily routines Making simple inquiries Telling the time and days Listening Students will be able to understand the general and... Contexts Advertisements -Captions -Cartoons Charts -Conversations -Fairy tales Illustrations -Lists... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
OCAK 13-17 Ocak 2 Unit 5: My Day Talking about daily routines Making simple inquiries Telling the time and days Listening Students will be able to understand the general and... Contexts Advertisements -Captions -Cartoons Charts -Conversations -Fairy tales Illustrations -Lists... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 03-07 Şubat 2 Unit 5: My Day Talking about daily routines Making simple inquiries Telling the time and days Listening Students will be able to understand the general and specific information in a short, oral text about daily routines. Students will be able to recognize the time in a short oral text. Speaking Students will be able to talk about their daily routines. Students will be able to talk about the time. Contexts Advertisements -Captions -Cartoons Charts -Conversations -Fairy tales Illustrations -Lists... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
ŞUBAT 10-14 Şubat 2 Unit 6: Fun with Science Giving and responding to simple instructions Making simple inquiries Talking about locations Listening Students will be able to understand and follow simple instructions. Students will be able to recognize phrases/descriptions about locations. Speaking Students will be able to give short, basic instructions. Students will be able to talk about locations of objects. Students will be able to ask and answer simple clarification questions. Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Poems Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes Songs Tables Video Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Matching Questions and Answers Reordering Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare a poster illustrating the steps of an experiment with simple instructions. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 17-21 Şubat 2 Unit 6: Fun with Science Giving and responding to simple instructions Making simple inquiries Talking about locations Listening Students will be able to understand and follow simple... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Poems Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
ŞUBAT 24-28 Şubat 2 Unit 6: Fun with Science Giving and responding to simple instructions Making simple inquiries Talking about locations Listening Students will be able to understand and follow simple... Contexts Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Instructions Lists Poems Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 03-07 Mart 2 Unit 7: Jobs Describing what people do and expressing what people like Making inquiries Listening Students will be able to identify other people’s jobs and likes in a short, simple oral text. Speaking Students will be able to talk about other people’s jobs and likes in simple conversations. Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes Songs - Stories - Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Matching Making Puppets Questions and Answers Storytelling Assignments Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items. Students prepare a poster about people’s jobs and where they work. Students prepare a poster (with photos and drawings) about their parents and their jobs. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MART 10-14 Mart 2 Unit 7: Jobs Describing what people do and expressing what people like Making inquiries Listening Students will be able to identify other people’s jobs... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstiklâl Marşı'nın Kabulü be Mehmet Akif Ersoy'u Anma Günü (12 Mart)
MART 17-21 Mart 2 Unit 7: Jobs Describing what people do and expressing what people like Making inquiries Listening Students will be able to identify other people’s jobs... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferi, Şehitler Günü
MART 24-28 Mart 2 Unit 7: Jobs Describing what people do and expressing what people like Making inquiries Listening Students will be able to identify other people’s jobs... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists Podcasts Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Dünya Tiyatrolar Günü (27 Mart)
MART 31 Mart- 04 Nisan 2 Unit 8: My Clothes Describing the weather (Expressing basic needs) Making simple requests Naming the seasons of the year Listening Students will be able to understand short oral texts about weather conditions and clothing. Students will be able to recognize the names of the seasons and clothes in short oral texts. Speaking Students will be able to describe the weather conditions. Students will be able to name the seasons. Students will be able to ask and answer simple questions about weather conditions and clothing items in simple conversations. Students will be able to make simple request about borrowing. Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations- Lists Notes and Messages Poems - Postcards - Posters Rhymes - Signs - Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Reordering Storytelling Assignments Students prepare a seasonal weather chart/ table and classify the clothes they wear under the corresponding seasons. Students make puppets with seasonal clothes and describe them to the peers. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kütüphaneler Haftası, Dünya Otizm Farkındalık Günü (2 Nisan)
NİSAN 07-11 Nisan 2 ARA TATİL (31 MART - 4 NİSAN)
NİSAN 14-18 Nisan 2 Unit 8: My Clothes Describing the weather (Expressing basic needs) Making simple requests Naming the seasons of the year Listening Students will be able to understand short oral texts about weather conditions and clothing. Students will be able to recognize the names of the seasons and clothes in short oral texts. Speaking Students will be able to describe the weather conditions. Students will be able to name the seasons. Students will be able to ask and answer simple questions about weather conditions and clothing items in simple conversations. Students will be able to make simple request about borrowing. Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations- Lists Notes and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme
NİSAN 21-25 Nisan 2 Unit 8: My Clothes Describing the weather (Expressing basic needs) Making simple requests Naming the seasons of the year Listening Students will be able to understand short oral texts... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations- Lists Notes and... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı
NİSAN 28 Nisan- 02 Mayıs 2 Unit 9: My Friends Describing people (Making simple inquiries) Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to understand the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements (e.g., describing people and their features). Students will be able to understand short, oral texts about possessions. Speaking Students will be able to describe their friends and other people (family members, teachers, etc.). Students will be able to ask and answer questions about other people’s physical characteristics. Students will be able to talk about possessions. Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists - Poems Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes - Songs - Stories Tables -Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Labeling Making Puppets Matching Questions and Answers Storytelling Synonyms and Antonyms Assignments Students prepare a poster about a friend or a family member and describe him/her by using simple phrases. Students work in pairs. One student describes his/her favorite actor/singer (e.g., Her/his hair is curly. S/he is tall and thin.) and the other student draws a picture based on the description. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... Kût'ül Amâre Zaferi (29 Nisan), 1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü
MAYIS 05-09 Mayıs 2 Unit 9: My Friends Describing people (Making simple inquiries) Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to understand the main point... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists - Poems... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 12-16 Mayıs 2 Unit 9: My Friends Describing people (Making simple inquiries) Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to understand the main point... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists - Poems... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
MAYIS 19-23 Mayıs 2 Unit 9: My Friends Describing people (Making simple inquiries) Talking about possessions Listening Students will be able to understand the main point... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists - Poems... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... 19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı
MAYIS 26-30 Mayıs 2 Unit 10: Food and Drinks Making offers Expressing basic needs and feelings (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to recognize simple words and phrases about food and drinks. Students will be able to understand the offers about their basic needs. Students will be able to identify others’ needs and feelings in simple oral texts. Speaking Students will be able to talk about their basic needs and feelings. Students will be able to express their feelings and their needs. Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Coupons Illustrations Lists Menus Posters Probes/Realia Rhymes Signs Songs Stories Tables Videos Tasks/Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Matching Questions and Answers Storytelling Assignments Students complete and reflect on their visual dictionaries. Students design a menu for an imaginary restaurant by using drawings and visuals. Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif... İstanbul'un Fethi (29 Mayıs)
HAZİRAN 02-06 Haziran 2 Unit 10: Food and Drinks Making offers Expressing basic needs and feelings (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to recognize simple words and... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Coupons Illustrations Lists Menus Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...
HAZİRAN 09-13 Haziran 2 Unit 10: Food and Drinks Making offers Expressing basic needs and feelings (Making simple inquiries) Listening Students will be able to recognize simple words and... Contexts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Coupons Illustrations Lists Menus Posters... Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif...

  • Bu plan Talim Terbiye Kurulunun yayınladığı Çerçeve Öğretim Programı ve Ders Bilgi Formlarına göre hazırlanmıştır.
  • Atatürkçülük konuları ile ilgili olarak Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının 2104 ve 2488 sayılı Tebliğler Dergisinden yararlanılmıştır.

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