Ders Tarihi Saati
11-15 Kasım


Öğrenme Çıktısı
Öğretim Teknikleri
Ders Tarihi Saati
04-08 Kasım 4


  1. Talking about likes/ dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
  2. Expressing opinions
  3. Making preferences
  4. Asking about and telling the time and the date
  5. Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation

I like/enjoy watching documentaries. Detective film is my thing. I hate watching cookery programs because I think they waste our time. Romantic movies are not very me. Marbling is my favorite art. Let’s see/ How about going to see a movie tonight? Are you in the mood for a movie/an art exhibition on Saturday?

-Why don’t we have a cup of coffee after school? -Oh, What a great idea! -Oh, I think it is a fantastic idea! -Cool! -Thanks, that sounds nice! -Oh, I’d love to do that! -Well, I’d love to but I have other plans.

I think it was a great movie. I believe this is ….. I suppose…. I guess the actress won the Oscar last year…. If you ask me…. Personally, I think… Can you tell me the time? Do you have the time? I prefer watching documentaries to TV serials

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E9.3.L1. Students will be able to detect familiar words/phrases about likes/dislikes and hobbies in a recorded text or video. E9.3.L2.Students will be able to reorder a recorded conversation about making invitations/ offers.

Pronunciation E9.3.P1. Students will be able to differentiate /t/ sound from / θ / sound.Eg. ten /ten/ thin / θın/

Speaking E9.3.S1. Students will be able to express their opinions about free time activites. E9.3.S2.Students will be able to ask about and tell the time and the date. E9.3.S3. Students will be able to talk about their preferences of hobbies and free time activities. E9.3.S4. Students will be able to act out a dialogue about accepting and refusing an invitation.

Reading E9.3.R1. Students will be able to scan film reviews on blogs to decide which movie to see. E9.3.R2.Students will be able to find the main idea of a text about movies.

Writing E9.3.W1. Students will be able to write their opinions on a blog. E9.3.W2. Students will be able to write short text messages to invite their friends for a movie.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme



Atatürk Haftası

Ders Tarihi Saati
28 Ekim-01 Kasım 4


  1. Talking about likes/ dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
  2. Expressing opinions
  3. Making preferences
  4. Asking about and telling the time and the date
  5. Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation

I like/enjoy watching documentaries. Detective film is my thing. I hate watching cookery programs because I think they waste our time. Romantic movies are not very me. Marbling is my favorite art. Let’s see/ How about going to see a movie tonight? Are you in the mood for a movie/an art exhibition on Saturday?

-Why don’t we have a cup of coffee after school? -Oh, What a great idea! -Oh, I think it is a fantastic idea! -Cool! -Thanks, that sounds nice! -Oh, I’d love to do that! -Well, I’d love to but I have other plans.

I think it was a great movie. I believe this is ….. I suppose…. I guess the actress won the Oscar last year…. If you ask me…. Personally, I think… Can you tell me the time? Do you have the time? I prefer watching documentaries to TV serials

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E9.3.L1. Students will be able to detect familiar words/phrases about likes/dislikes and hobbies in a recorded text or video. E9.3.L2.Students will be able to reorder a recorded conversation about making invitations/ offers.

Pronunciation E9.3.P1. Students will be able to differentiate /t/ sound from / θ / sound.Eg. ten /ten/ thin / θın/

Speaking E9.3.S1. Students will be able to express their opinions about free time activites. E9.3.S2.Students will be able to ask about and tell the time and the date. E9.3.S3. Students will be able to talk about their preferences of hobbies and free time activities. E9.3.S4. Students will be able to act out a dialogue about accepting and refusing an invitation.

Reading E9.3.R1. Students will be able to scan film reviews on blogs to decide which movie to see. E9.3.R2.Students will be able to find the main idea of a text about movies.

Writing E9.3.W1. Students will be able to write their opinions on a blog. E9.3.W2. Students will be able to write short text messages to invite their friends for a movie.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme



29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı

Ders Tarihi Saati
21-25 Ekim 4


  1. Talking about locations of things
  2. Asking about and describing neighborhood
  3. Making comparisons
  • What do you have in your room/kitchen/classroom/lounge/school? Is it a large or a small cellar? There aren’t any sport facilities in our school. Do you live in a nice community? This store is cheaper than the previous one. Is there a nice mall in this neighborhood? The one in our neighborhood is the biggest in Ankara.
Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E9.2.L1. Students will be able to respond to the questions related to the topic of a recorded text/video. E9.2.L2. Students will be able to locate the things as they listen to information about the instructions.

Pronunciation E9.2.P1. Students will be able to differentiate /ı/ and /i:/ sounds. Eg. sit /sıt/ seat /siːt/

Speaking E9.2.S1. Students will be able to ask about and describe their neighbourhood. E9.2.S2. Students will be able to compare people, places and objects around them. E9.2.S3.Students will be able to ask and answer questions about location of things and places.

Reading E9.2.R1. Students will be able to read a simple text for specific information about their neighbourhood/city etc.

Writing E9.2.W1. Students will be able to fill in a chart comparing cities in different countries/Turkey. E9.2.W2. Students will be able to describe different environments in simple sentences and phrases.


29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme


Ders Tarihi Saati
14-18 Ekim 4


  1. Talking about locations of things
  2. Asking about and describing neighborhood
  3. Making comparisons
  • What do you have in your room/kitchen/classroom/lounge/school? Is it a large or a small cellar? There aren’t any sport facilities in our school. Do you live in a nice community? This store is cheaper than the previous one. Is there a nice mall in this neighborhood? The one in our neighborhood is the biggest in Ankara.
Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E9.2.L1. Students will be able to respond to the questions related to the topic of a recorded text/video. E9.2.L2. Students will be able to locate the things as they listen to information about the instructions.

Pronunciation E9.2.P1. Students will be able to differentiate /ı/ and /i:/ sounds. Eg. sit /sıt/ seat /siːt/

Speaking E9.2.S1. Students will be able to ask about and describe their neighbourhood. E9.2.S2. Students will be able to compare people, places and objects around them. E9.2.S3.Students will be able to ask and answer questions about location of things and places.

Reading E9.2.R1. Students will be able to read a simple text for specific information about their neighbourhood/city etc.

Writing E9.2.W1. Students will be able to fill in a chart comparing cities in different countries/Turkey. E9.2.W2. Students will be able to describe different environments in simple sentences and phrases.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme


Ders Tarihi Saati
07-11 Ekim 4


  1. Talking about locations of things
  2. Asking about and describing neighborhood
  3. Making comparisons
  • What do you have in your room/kitchen/classroom/lounge/school? Is it a large or a small cellar? There aren’t any sport facilities in our school. Do you live in a nice community? This store is cheaper than the previous one. Is there a nice mall in this neighborhood? The one in our neighborhood is the biggest in Ankara.
Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E9.2.L1. Students will be able to respond to the questions related to the topic of a recorded text/video. E9.2.L2. Students will be able to locate the things as they listen to information about the instructions.

Pronunciation E9.2.P1. Students will be able to differentiate /ı/ and /i:/ sounds. Eg. sit /sıt/ seat /siːt/

Speaking E9.2.S1. Students will be able to ask about and describe their neighbourhood. E9.2.S2. Students will be able to compare people, places and objects around them. E9.2.S3.Students will be able to ask and answer questions about location of things and places.

Reading E9.2.R1. Students will be able to read a simple text for specific information about their neighbourhood/city etc.

Writing E9.2.W1. Students will be able to fill in a chart comparing cities in different countries/Turkey. E9.2.W2. Students will be able to describe different environments in simple sentences and phrases.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme


Ders Tarihi Saati
30 Eylül-04 Ekim 4


  1. Talking about locations of things
  2. Asking about and describing neighborhood
  3. Making comparisons
  • What do you have in your room/kitchen/classroom/lounge/school? Is it a large or a small cellar? There aren’t any sport facilities in our school. Do you live in a nice community? This store is cheaper than the previous one. Is there a nice mall in this neighborhood? The one in our neighborhood is the biggest in Ankara.
Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E9.2.L1. Students will be able to respond to the questions related to the topic of a recorded text/video. E9.2.L2. Students will be able to locate the things as they listen to information about the instructions.

Pronunciation E9.2.P1. Students will be able to differentiate /ı/ and /i:/ sounds. Eg. sit /sıt/ seat /siːt/

Speaking E9.2.S1. Students will be able to ask about and describe their neighbourhood. E9.2.S2. Students will be able to compare people, places and objects around them. E9.2.S3.Students will be able to ask and answer questions about location of things and places.

Reading E9.2.R1. Students will be able to read a simple text for specific information about their neighbourhood/city etc.

Writing E9.2.W1. Students will be able to fill in a chart comparing cities in different countries/Turkey. E9.2.W2. Students will be able to describe different environments in simple sentences and phrases.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme



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