Ders Tarihi Saati
11-15 Kasım


Öğrenme Çıktısı
Öğretim Teknikleri
Ders Tarihi Saati
04-08 Kasım 4


  1. Describing past activities and events
  2. Talking about sequential actions
  3. Describing characters and settings in an event in the past

10 KASIM Atatürk Haftası ATATÜRK İLKELERİ Milliyetçilik

First, there was a sudden noise…

When the film ended, I was crying.

While he was riding in the forest, he felt something strange behind his shoulders. He immediately stopped his horse and looked around. He saw a ...

I finished school two years ago. I ran into a friend while I was walking to school.

Yesterday morning I got up. First, I brushed my teeth. Then I had breakfast. I drank my coffee. Finally, I left the house at 8:00 a.m.

yesterday, yesterday evening, two hours ago, in 1998, last weekend, last summer, last Friday.

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E10.3.L1. Students will be able to put the events in the correct order by listening to a story.

Pronunciation E10.3.P1. Students will be able to practice uttering “–ed” sounds in V2. Eg. Wanted /wɒntɪd/ injured /ɪndʒərd/

Speaking E10.3.S1. Students will be able to act out a story as a legendary figure. E10.3.S2. Students will be able to retell a story by describing characters and places. E10.3.S3. Students will be able to talk about a historical legendary figure in Turkish history.

Reading E10.3.R1. Students will be able to scan a short story to fill in the timelines with events and dates. E10.3.R2. Students will be able to answer the questions about past events given in a reading text.

Writing E10.3.W1. Students will be able to write the end of a given unfinished story.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme



Atatürk Haftası

Ders Tarihi Saati
28 Ekim-01 Kasım 4


  1. Describing past activities and events
  2. Talking about sequential actions
  3. Describing characters and settings in an event in the past

10 KASIM Atatürk Haftası ATATÜRK İLKELERİ Milliyetçilik

First, there was a sudden noise…

When the film ended, I was crying.

While he was riding in the forest, he felt something strange behind his shoulders. He immediately stopped his horse and looked around. He saw a ...

I finished school two years ago. I ran into a friend while I was walking to school.

Yesterday morning I got up. First, I brushed my teeth. Then I had breakfast. I drank my coffee. Finally, I left the house at 8:00 a.m.

yesterday, yesterday evening, two hours ago, in 1998, last weekend, last summer, last Friday.

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E10.3.L1. Students will be able to put the events in the correct order by listening to a story.

Pronunciation E10.3.P1. Students will be able to practice uttering “–ed” sounds in V2. Eg. Wanted /wɒntɪd/ injured /ɪndʒərd/

Speaking E10.3.S1. Students will be able to act out a story as a legendary figure. E10.3.S2. Students will be able to retell a story by describing characters and places. E10.3.S3. Students will be able to talk about a historical legendary figure in Turkish history.

Reading E10.3.R1. Students will be able to scan a short story to fill in the timelines with events and dates. E10.3.R2. Students will be able to answer the questions about past events given in a reading text.

Writing E10.3.W1. Students will be able to write the end of a given unfinished story.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme



29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı

Ders Tarihi Saati
21-25 Ekim 4


  1. Describing future plans and arrangements
  2. Expressing one’s ideas in unplanned situations
  3. Making oral presentations on a planned topic

I am going to fly to New York this summer. I’ve already bought my ticket. When are you going to take the exam? A: Are you coming to the movie this afternoon? B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m meeting with my friends at the café. A: And you? Are you free this afternoon?

A: I won’t be in Erzurum for some time. B: When will I see you again? A: My family and I are going to come back in September.

A: Susan is looking for you. B. Ok, I’ll see her in the classroom.

We should leave the house now. Our bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and we have 15 minutes to catch it. I think I’ll be a teacher in 10 years from now. I’m sure you’ll be very rich one day.

He is having a job interview on Monday.

Let’s do a project together. I’d love to but I am going to help Ali with his homework. I always keep my promise.

ATATÜRK İLKELERİ Cumhuriyetçilik

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E10.2.L1. Students will be able to catch the details of future plans and arrangements in a recorded text/video.

Pronunciation E10.2.P1. Students will be able to practice intonation in asking and answering questions in daily conversations.

Eg. Are you coming to the movie? (rising intonation) I’m afraid I can’t. (rising intonation)

Speaking E10.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about their own plans for the future. E10.2.S2. Students will be able to express their ideas in unplanned situations.

Reading E10.2.R1. Students will able to identify specific information about people’s future plans and arrangements in a text. E10.2.R2. Students will be able to skim a text to draw a conclusion.

Writing E10.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion paragraph about their plans.


29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme


Ders Tarihi Saati
14-18 Ekim 4


  1. Describing future plans and arrangements
  2. Expressing one’s ideas in unplanned situations
  3. Making oral presentations on a planned topic

I am going to fly to New York this summer. I’ve already bought my ticket. When are you going to take the exam? A: Are you coming to the movie this afternoon? B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m meeting with my friends at the café. A: And you? Are you free this afternoon?

A: I won’t be in Erzurum for some time. B: When will I see you again? A: My family and I are going to come back in September.

A: Susan is looking for you. B. Ok, I’ll see her in the classroom.

We should leave the house now. Our bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and we have 15 minutes to catch it. I think I’ll be a teacher in 10 years from now. I’m sure you’ll be very rich one day.

He is having a job interview on Monday.

Let’s do a project together. I’d love to but I am going to help Ali with his homework. I always keep my promise.

ATATÜRK İLKELERİ Cumhuriyetçilik

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E10.2.L1. Students will be able to catch the details of future plans and arrangements in a recorded text/video.

Pronunciation E10.2.P1. Students will be able to practice intonation in asking and answering questions in daily conversations.

Eg. Are you coming to the movie? (rising intonation) I’m afraid I can’t. (rising intonation)

Speaking E10.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about their own plans for the future. E10.2.S2. Students will be able to express their ideas in unplanned situations.

Reading E10.2.R1. Students will able to identify specific information about people’s future plans and arrangements in a text. E10.2.R2. Students will be able to skim a text to draw a conclusion.

Writing E10.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion paragraph about their plans.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme


Ders Tarihi Saati
07-11 Ekim 4


  1. Describing future plans and arrangements
  2. Expressing one’s ideas in unplanned situations
  3. Making oral presentations on a planned topic

I am going to fly to New York this summer. I’ve already bought my ticket. When are you going to take the exam? A: Are you coming to the movie this afternoon? B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m meeting with my friends at the café. A: And you? Are you free this afternoon?

A: I won’t be in Erzurum for some time. B: When will I see you again? A: My family and I are going to come back in September.

A: Susan is looking for you. B. Ok, I’ll see her in the classroom.

We should leave the house now. Our bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and we have 15 minutes to catch it. I think I’ll be a teacher in 10 years from now. I’m sure you’ll be very rich one day.

He is having a job interview on Monday.

Let’s do a project together. I’d love to but I am going to help Ali with his homework. I always keep my promise.

ATATÜRK İLKELERİ Cumhuriyetçilik

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E10.2.L1. Students will be able to catch the details of future plans and arrangements in a recorded text/video.

Pronunciation E10.2.P1. Students will be able to practice intonation in asking and answering questions in daily conversations.

Eg. Are you coming to the movie? (rising intonation) I’m afraid I can’t. (rising intonation)

Speaking E10.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about their own plans for the future. E10.2.S2. Students will be able to express their ideas in unplanned situations.

Reading E10.2.R1. Students will able to identify specific information about people’s future plans and arrangements in a text. E10.2.R2. Students will be able to skim a text to draw a conclusion.

Writing E10.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion paragraph about their plans.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme


Ders Tarihi Saati
30 Eylül-04 Ekim 4



Functions and Useful Language

  1. Exchanging personal information in both formal and informal language
  2. Taking part in a conversation in everyday life situations

I go to school every day. I usually practise wrestling/archery after school.

Where do you live? Are you from …?

-Do you have any sisters or brothers? -Yes, I have a sister. / No, I don’t have any sisters or brothers.

-What does your father do? -He is an engineer.

-How do you come to school? -I come to school on foot/ by bus.

-Which subject do you like most? -I like …most.

-What’s your favorite …? -My favorite … is …/ It’s ...

-Do you like …? -Yes, I love it. / I really like it. /No, I hate it.

-What do you think about ..? -I think….. -In my opinion, …

Öğrenme Çıktısı

Listening E10.1.L1. Students will be able to identify expressions related to school/ everyday life and free time activities

Pronunciation E10.1.P1. Students will be able to practice intonation in asking and answering questions in daily conversations. Eg. What does your father do? (falling intonation) Are you thirsty? (rising intonation)

Speaking E10.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and others individually/ in pairs or small groups. E10.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange personal information in both formal and informal situations.

Reading E10.1.R1. Students will be able to diagrammatize a text about everyday life into a graphic organizer.

Writing E10.1.W1. Students will be able to describe themselves, their family and their habits in a short descriptive paragraph with the help of cues and/or guiding questions.

Öğretim Teknikleri

Anlatım, Soru-Cevap Aktif Gösterim, Uygulama, Grup Çalışması, Okuma, Yazma, Dikte, Rol Yapma, Gösteri Drama, Tekrar Etme



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